The coins of our great-grandparents. Paper money of necessity in Italy from the second half of the 19th century.
The Fondazione Antica Zecca di Lucca returns to the memory of our origins and does so with an exhibition organised thanks to Intesa Sanpaolo, which has lent specimens from its Paper money collection entrusted to the Fondazione Ivan Bruschi of Arezzo. The exhibition is curated by Prof. Franca Maria Vanni, consultant to the numismatic section of the Bruschi Foundation.
The exhibition itinerary, from 4 October 2024 to 31 August 2025, winds its way through five showcases and begins with the legal tender coins that circulated in the Kingdom of Italy in the decade 1866-1876, in parallel with paper bonds. This is followed by the Italian fiduciary notes subdivided by city of issue. Next to each of them is indicated the purchasing power, i.e. what could be bought with such a voucher, evidenced by material objects or documentation. There is also a selection of fiduciary notes issued in many European states in the period 1917-1937. Also on display are a series of mini-cheques produced in Italy in the 1970s belonging to a private collection.
The exhibition can be visited from Monday to Friday with opening hours of 9:30 a.m. / 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. / 5:00 p.m. and on weekends when the museum is open, according to the calendar that can be downloaded from the museum's website, or, even at different times, by appointment. Inauguration on Friday 4 October at 2 p.m.
Fondazione Antica Zecca di Lucca
Tel. 0583 582320 -