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Il mondo di Pinocchio

Museo della Zecca di Lucca. Casermetta San Donato, Mura urbane - Lucca


16/03/2023 09:30
15/03/2024 17:00
€ 4.00 / € 6.00

Not everyone knows, or remembers, that Pinocchio was born… in Lucca.
The town of Collodi, in the period in which the writer Carlo Lorenzini frequented it, fell within the territory of the Province of Lucca; that's why we can say that Lucca has "given birth" to the most famous puppet in the world.

To celebrate this little-known "authorship", the exhibition Il mondo di Pinocchio, from 16 March 2023 to 15 March 2024 at the Lucca Mint Museum, was set up from the collaboration between the Antica Zecca di Lucca Foundation and the Carlo Collodi National Foundation, which , in an original and curious way, the many Adventures of Pinocchio in his first 140 years of life are told.

On display books and objects from which it is easy to understand how the unforgettable story of the puppet has managed to become the most translated book in the world, after the Bible and the Koran, inspiring artistic productions in many fields.

At the Mint Museum you can admire a precious anastatic copy of the first edition of The Adventures of Pinocchio of 1883; 38 wax statuettes related to the events of the puppet, evocative and suggestive art objects created by the Roman artist Luciano Capriotti, aka Capri Otti, which are exposed outside the Pinocchio Park museum for the first time; a collection of puppets made by the students of the Dorothean Sisters school of Lucca; a hundred Pinocchio toys made by the craftsman Onigel Ruffato di Dolo; the famous five gold "sequins" made by the Ancient Mint of Lucca.

The exhibition can be visited from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 / 12:30 - 14:00 / 17:00, Saturday and Sunday by appointment.
Free admission for children up to 12 years accompanied by an adult.

Museo dell'Antica Zecca di Lucca
Tel. 0583 582320 -